A Blank Slate
I spent years erasing chalkboards. It was not always an easy chore to wipe away the evidence of a productive day: questions, right and wrong answers, student insights and assignments. Panic crept in at the thought of no words in colored chalk to kick-start creativity, productivity, responsibility and purpose in myself and others. That seemed my reason for being.
Chalkboards aren’t even a thing these days. Smart boards seem blah in comparison. With cameras on phones that EVERYONE has, and with technology that can find those same ideas or better at the tap of a key, nothing vanishes permanently. Had I been faced with an empty board in these circumstances, it might have remained blank with the task of finding the ‘best’ words to scribble on it!
In retrospect, a blank board was not disastrous. Chalk residue had to be washed away periodically. I had to bring out the bucket and sponge when last Friday’s work was still visible under the following Wednesday’s activities. A clean chalkboard was so enticing!
Words surround us. Menus list too many options. Words crawl across a screen as I hear different ones. (Printed words should stay... stationary). Words instruct about anything and everything. No need for a PUSH or PULL; we’ll figure it out. Commercial doors free of words might be more inviting. Even my car flashes words...to keep my eyes on the road and off its words.
Where’s that bucket and sponge? My brain needs washing. I’m a lover of words but I would welcome a brief blank walk among the leaves - free of last week’s thoughts creeping into today’s wonders, embracing an afternoon with a clean brain! A blank brain slate. How intriguing!
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