Updating Ripley County Veteran List
Two years ago, on the 50th anniversary of J. A. Ashby VFW Post #3485, we undertook the task of updating a list of Ripley County veterans discovered while searching through stored materials. It is a task that will never be finished, but that’s okay. It is to honor the veterans among us who should never be forgotten for their service.
During the celebration, a display featuring the list drew much attention. We asked for additional names and for a while they trickled in. If it is feasible to include it, you may find the current list in The Prospect-News today. There may be spellings to correct, more names to add or some duplications to delete. The list will appear on the Post Facebook page, too. The ultimate goal is to have the names printed on a poster for display at the Post and Current River Heritage Museum in January 2021.
Please contact us by the end of this month with missing names of friends and loved ones. To help with accuracy, send the information to J.A. Ashby VFW Post #3485 at P.O. Box 153, Doniphan, MO 63935. You could also send info in a message (not as a comment - we might miss it) on the VFW Post #3485 Facebook page. Or come by the Post to deliver missing names. We are located right at the end of the blacktop of 160E-4 (Ball Park Road). We are open to the public Tuesdays through Saturdays from 3 p.m. till closing, which varies depending on activities.
In honor of all men and women in Ripley County who served our country beginning with the Spanish American War. It is a testimony to their unparalleled dedication to our country.
Abernathy, Jack
Abernathy, Robert
Acree, Billie
Adams, Clayton
Adams, Eugene
Adams, Robin
Adams, William
Aden, Roy
Albright, George
Aldridge, Lindell
Allen, Bernard
Allen, Harold
Anderson, Leo
Anderson, Warren
Armour, J. C.
Armour, Robert
Armour, William
Armstrong, Vernon
Arnold, Carl
Arnold, L.J.
Arnold, Norman
Atwood, Marvin
Ault, Lawrence (Pat)
Ayers, Richard
Bacan, Willie
Baker, Douglas
Ball, Darrell
Balvin, John B.
Barbie, George
Barnet, Cecil
Barth, William
Barton, Newt
Bass, Benny
Bates, Darrell
Bates, David
Batten, Bill
Batten, John L. Jr.
Batten, John L.
Batten, Lee
Baucom, Buster
Beal, Buddy
Beal, Jimmy
Beasley, Jim
Belcher, Ebenezer B.
Belew, John
Bell, Benny
Bell, Wayne
Bellamy, Joseph Ray
Bennett, Floyd
Benton, Jeff
Bevan, George R.
Bissette, Lewis
Bizzell, James
Bizzell, Theodore (Ted)
Blackwell, Bill
Blackwell, Charles
Blaker, Forrest Jr.
Blaker, Forrest Sr.
Blanchard, James
Bohannan, Grady
Bollenbacher, Albert
Bond, Edgar
Bond, Oscar
Bond, William
Bopp, Carrol
Boshears, Henry Max
Bowen, William
Boxer, Walter W.
Boyles, Bertran
Boyles, Crickett
Boyles, Eugene
Boyles, Judy
Brakefield, Lee
Brasser, James
Braun, Arthur
Braun, Bill
Brimberry, David
Brimberry, James
Brimberry, Robert
Brooks, Alvin
Brooks, Carl
Brooks, Charles
Brooks, David
Brooks, Jimmy
Brooks, Rodney
Brooks, Ronald L.
Brooks, Steve
Brooks, William D.
Brooks, Wilmer G.
Brown, Edwin
Brown, Elmo
Brown, Harold
Brown, James H.
Brown, Ronnie
Bruner, Charles A.
Bruner, Cleo
Bruner, Clifford
Bruner, Ralph
Brunkhart, Jerry
Bryant, James E.
Bryant, Walter
Bubulka, John
Buckley, Patricia
Buckner, Paul
Bumgardner, Jacob E.
Bunting, Glenn
Burcham, Tom
Burleson, Kenneth
Burnett, Leonard C.
Butler, Milton
Camp, Carl
Camp, Joseph
Carner, Charles
Carner, Chester
Carner, Claudie
Carner, Clyde
Carner, Everett
Carroll, James F.
Carson, James
Carson, Leslie
Carter, Bobby J.
Casteel, Bill
Casteel, Harvie
Chaffin, George
Chedister, Ralph
Chewning, Calvin
Chewning, Eldon
Chewning, Emerald
Chewning, Harvey
Clark, Leroy
Cline, Dennis Paul
Cline, Kenneth
Coble, William
Cochran, James
Cochran, Joseph
Cochran, Larry
Cochran, Michael
Cockman, Larry
Colburn, Sonny
Collier, Gary
Collins, James R.
Collins, James
Collins, Neddy
Collins, Teddy
Colman, Ralph
Cook, Jack
Coomer, Walter
Cope, Alfred
Cope, James
Cope, Rex
Cox, Jesse
Craft, Alfred
Craft, Mike
Crihfield, Adis (Buddy)
Crihfield, Mark
Crihfield, Mike
Crihfield, Terry
Crook, Booky D.
Crook, George
Crook, Hershel
Crook, Ora
Crook, Oren
Crook, Wesley
Crowe, Ed
Cunningham, Dewett
Dale, Coy
Darnell, Danny M.
Darnell, Jackie
Davis, Claude
Davis, Henry
Davis, J. W.
Davis, Joe Jr.
Davis, Joe
Davis, Ray
Davis, William H.
Davis, William M.
Dawes, Alvin (Bus)
Dawes, Roy Lee
Dawson, Francis
Dean, James
Decilis, Hanford H.
Deckard, Lloyd R.
Deckard, Thomas
Decker, Carl
Decker, Ronnie
Decker, Short
Derganc, Robert
Derickson, Harry R.
Desich, Emery
Dewey, Roddy W.
Dickon, Kennett
Dixon, Lenard
Dodd, Kenneth C.
Donley, Monroe
Dorris, Charles
Douglas, Howard J.
Drane, Jack
Drysdale, Sameul H.
Drysdale, Stephen W.
Duncan, James
Dunn, Michael
Dunnigan, James
Dunnigan, Lee R.
Dunnigan, McKinley
Edmonds, Charley B.
Edmonds, David
Ehernsbery, Herman E.
Elder, Frank
Elder, Harold
Ellis, Floyd
Emmons, Dannie R.
Emmons, Dennis
Emmons, Eugene
Emmons, George
Emmons, J.W.
Emmons, Lonnie
Emmons, Thomas
Emmons, William B.
Enderwood. George Jr.
Enderwood, Richard
Farmer, George
Farr, Solan
Faulkner, Joseph
Featherston, Edward
Ferguson, Charles E.
Ferguson, Donald M.
Ferguson, Paul
Ferguson, Ronald L.
Few, Walter
Foley, Martin
Foster, Don
Foster, Russell
Fowler, Dennis
Fowler, Jim
Fowler, Norman W.
Frederick, A.C.
Frederick, John S.
Freeman, Charles
Frey, Walter
Friais, Edward A.
Gambill, Gary
Gambill, Plez
Gamblin, James
Garrett, Brandon
Garrett, Sol M.
Garrison, Robert C., Jr.
Gere, Richard
Gibson, Charles R.
Gibson, Chester Ordell
Gibson, Homer
Gibson, Lewis H.
Gilliland, Philip
Gilliland, Robert
Good, Clyde E., Jr.
Goodwin, William A.
Graf, Henry J.
Gray, Arthur B.
Griffin, Joann
Griffin, Joseph
Griffin, Virgil G.
Grisby, Charles F.
Grissom, Ed
Gunter, Clifford M.
Gunter, Herschel G.
Gunter, William H.
Hall, Carl
Halley, Jerry
Hamlett, Austin
Hampton, Proctor
Haney, William T.
Harris, Herman
Harris, Loyd L., Jr.
Harris, Marvin
Harris, Ralph
Harris, Vernon C.
Hastings, Jimmy
Hawks, John E., Jr.
Hayes, Donald
Hayes, Morris
Hays, Bobby J.
Haywood, Charles W.
Helms, Duluth
Henson, Eurman W.
Henson, Wesley A.
Harring, Harry
Herring, Lonnie
Hill, Ronnie
Hodges, James R., Jr.
Holden, Bob
Holford, Dennis
Holland, Marvin G.
Holland, Richard D.
Holland, Robert L.
Holland, Robert L.
Holt, Clarence A.
Holt, Clarence A.
Hooker, Robert L.
Hooker, Robert R.
Hopwood, Earl E.
Horne, George
Horne, Raymond W.
Howard, Harry
Hower, Charles L.
Hudson, Lonnie
Huffman, Jim D.
Hughes, Christopher
Inman, Lewis F.
Isaacs, Odas C.
Isenhart, Forrest J.
Ivy, Jimmy L.
Jackson, Charles W.
Jackson, Ernest
Jackson, Hal G.
Jackson, Marvin W.
Jackson, Virgil
Jamerson, Roy
Jaske, Harold J.
Johnson, Arthur W.
Johnson, Bert E.
Johnson, Charles E.
Johnson, Gerald J.
Johnson, Michael J.
Johnson, Norris L.
Jones, Bill
Jones, Bud
Jones, Casey
Jones, David Wesley
Jones, Dennis
Jones, Lee R.
Jones, Raney P.
Jones, Roy
Joplin, C. Robert (Buddy)
Joplin, Lyndal
Jordan, David
Jorn, Charlie
Joyce, Howard O.
Kaiser, Edward G.
Kane, Kenneth
Keel. Jim
Keene, Dale
Kelly, Gary
Kennon, James
Kennon, William D.
Kenser, Loren
Kesterson, Lester
Kesterson, Marvin
Ketchem, Dennis A.
King, Everett
King, Lewis A.
Kinnard, Delmar N.
Kinnin, William A.
Knotts, Ronnie D.
Knowlton, Van D.
Knowlton, Vanburen
Kobert. Herman W.
Koehler, Carl L.
Koehler, Curtis
Koehler, Dan J.
Koehler, Fred E.
Koogle, Paul H.
Kowalski, William N.
Kramer, Harold
Kutzman, Ted J.
Lafferty, Doyle G.
Lamb, Bob
Lamb, Harry
Lamb, Jake
Lamb, Jim
Lane, Howard C.
Lane, Jackie
Lane, Smokie
Langley, Dennis
Langley, Jimmy Ray
Langley, Ronnie
Lassiter, Gary
Lassiter, Jim
Lawhon, Cal M.
Leonberger, Lloyd H.
Lepold, Robert
Leroux, Garold
Leroux, Gene H.
Leroux, Harvey A.
Leroux, Jearl
Leroux, Norman D.
Leroux, Paul
Leroux, Russell S.
Leroux, U. Dale
Lewis, Jerral W.
Lewis, Larry
Lewis, Samuel A.
Littrell. Elmer R.
Littles, Edison
Littles, Otto
Littles, Willie
Litton, Clifford
Litton, Walter
Loftis, Carter E.
Logan, John W.
Lokey, William M.
Long, Elijah R.
Long, Ronald W.
Lorey, Gerald H.
Lorey, James M.
Lorey, Randy
Luye, George
Lynn, Lonnie D.
Lynxwiler, Floyd
Lynxwiler, Jerry D.
Mackley, Mack
Magruder, Waldo G.
Maples, Junior
Maples, Wyman
Marek, Eugene D.
Markham, Randy
Marlin, John Marshall
Marlin, Louis
Marsh, James E.
Martin, Cecil
Martin, Eddie
Martin, Jerry Dale
Martin, Ralph
Martin, Thomas J.
Martin Vernon E.
Martin, William H.
Mathis, Larry J.
Mayes, Joe
Mays, Bill
McCarty, Bob
McDaniel, John
McGee, Donald R.
McGee, Leroy
McGee, Samuel D.
McGonigal, Duane
McKinney, Arkison
McKinney Frank
McKinney, Guy V.
McKinney Noah
McMurtry, Bill
McMurtry, Cecil
McMurtry, Clyde
McMurtry, Ed
McMurtry, George
McNail, James
McQuary, Adries D.
McWilliams,Lewis W.
Melton, Gerald T.
Mesaras, Frank
Metz, Fred
Meyers, Arthur
Meyers, Paul
Meyers, Walter P.
Michel, Pete
Miller, Arthur J.
Miller, Glen
Miller, Larry
Miller, Lewis
Miller, M. Glynn
Miller, Melton
Miller, Noel
Miller, Robert Alan
Miller, Roy F.
Miller, William
Mills, Jess R.
Mitchell, Paul
Mitchiner, Ralph
Mitchner, Boise
Mitchner, Clarence
Mobley, Glenn L.
Mobley, Richard W.
Moman, Frank
Moman, Walter R.
Moore, Charles (Bud)
Moore, Charles W.
Moore, Clifford
Moore, Gerald K.
Moore, Harry
Moore, Jerry L.
Moore, Joseph B.
Morgan, Bill Royce
Morrison, A. S.
Morrow, Albert
Mounce, Charles S.
Moutrie, Fred
Moutrie, Hubert
Moutrie, Torrence (Tub)
Murray Elvin B.
Murray, Lester L.
Murray, Willard F.
Nall, Earl
Nall, Herbert M.
Nall, John Allen
Needham, Roy
Nierman, Ray F.
Nipper, Kassi (Pearson)
Nowak, George
Nunnery, Dude
O’Neill, Pat
Odom, Art
Odom, Bob
Odom, Danny
Odom, Dennis
Odom, Jerry Dean
Odom, Robert
Odom, Tim
Ormsby, Cleites
Ormsby, Ronald
Ormsby, William M.
Orum, Lawrence R.
Orum, William R.
Patterson, Lawrence
Patton, Eugene
Paul, John J., Jr.
Payne, Bob J.
Payne, Melvin R.
Payne, Roger
Pearson, Alvin
Pearson, Calvin
Pearson, Galen
Pearson, Robert Alan
Pennington, John Jr.
Perry, Rick
Phelps, G.W.
Phillips, Don W.
Phillips, Lancon C.
Pierce, Smokie
Pinney, John L.
Pitman, Roe E.
Plunk, Jerry R.
Poe, Charles E.
Polk, Austin E.
Ponder, Arno L.
Ponder, Chester H.
Ponder, Larry
Pope, Robert D.
Porter, Clifton
Porter, Fred
Portwood, Larry
Potts, Mark
Powell, L.B.
Price, Buddy
Price, Charles M.
Price, James
Price, Larry E.
Price, Larry
Pritchell, Allen
Ramsey, David
Rapert, Curtiss
Ray, Harry G.
Ray Jerry
Reed, Asia
Reed, Dwight L.
Reed, Oscar
Rhames, William J.
Rhine, David
Richardson, Dewayne
Richmond, Chad B.
Richmond, Dennis
Richmond, Fred C.
Richmond, Fred
Richmond, Merle C., Jr.
Rideout, Glen
Rideout, Jerry
Ridgeon, Dick
Ridgeon, Ewing
Risenhoover, Glen
Robb, Curtis
Robb, Hoss
Robb, Matt
Roberts, Edmond E.
Robertson, David M.
Robinson, Gerald
Robinson, Jerry K.
Robinson, Paul
Robinson, Phillip
Roe, Elmer
Rogers, I.L.
Rogers, Richard
Rose, John
Rountree, Clement
Rountree, Cyril
Rowe, Bobby
Rowe, William C.
Roy, James W.
Royer, Melvin O.
Ruminer, Jerry L.
Ruminer, Truby
Scott, Hershel
Scott, Ted
Seay, Joe E.
Segatti, Ray S.
Shaffley, Purnell
Shands, Norman
Shands, Robert
Shaw, Leslie D.
Shemwell, Max O.
Sheppard, A.D.
Sherman, Raney L.
Shickles, Carson E.
Shickles, Chester A.
Shickles, Clyde B.
Shickles, Joe M.
Shickles, William
Shirley, Joseph
Simmons, Lester
Simmons, Wayne
Simpson, Pat
Sims, Fred E.
Sipes, William L.
Skysper, Ray D.
Slayton, Howard D.
Slayton, Jerry S.
Smelser, Clarence S.
Smith, Anthony
Smith, Bobby
Smith, Cecelia
Smith, Danny J.
Smith, James B.
Smith, James W.
Smith, Lemon
Smith, Lyman L.
Smith, Mitchell
Smithson, Maxie G.
Smothers, Loren D.
Spencer, Ronald
Spenser, Ronnie
Spenser, Russell S.
Stack, Sylvester
Stadler, Marion R.
Staggs, Herman T.
Staggs, J.H.
Staggs, Leslie D.
Stanley, Carlton
Stanley, Donald T.
Stanley, George
Steed, Charles E.
Steele, George
Steele, Larry R.
Steward, John A.
Stidham, John L.
Stidham, Virgil D.
Stilwell, Kenneth
Stitz, Danny E.
Stokan, Pete
Stout, Alvin W.
Stout, Kenneth I.
Stout, Kenneth R.
Stroud, Everett T.
Stroud, Leo R.
Stroud, Luther
Stucker, Walter L.
Stultz, Albert J.
Sullivan, Hershel
Sutherland, Edwin E.
Swafford, Albert S.
Swafford, James E., Jr.
Swigert, Elmo E.
Swigert, Luin E.
Sybert, John Jr.
Taylor, Carlos
Taylor, Edgar
Taylor, Everett J.
Taylor, Jimmie
Taylor, William E.
Tedderow, Boss
Tedderow, Jimmie
Tettleton, David G.
Thomas, Franklin D.
Thomas, Jacob
Thompson, Gaylin
Thornsberry, Virgil
Tillman, Elva
Tillman, George E.
Timmons, Ivan R.
Tinsley, Von
Towner, William A.
Tracy, James
Trotter, Elias W.
Trotter, Jesse G.
Truby, Gary
Trube, Harold
Turner, Allen J.
Turner, Bud
Turner, Clyde
Turner, Glynn
Tyra, Joseph R.
Tyson, James A
Tyson, Ronnie
Tyson, Thomas
Vandiver, Eldon D.
Voga, Ann
Wakefield, Thomas G.
Walker, Carl
Walker, Daniel W.
Walker, J.C.
Walker, Larry D.
Walker, Roy
Wall, Herbert M.
Wallace, Ronald
Walls, Ray
Walpole, Cecil
Ward, Bob
Ward, James L.
Wardlow, Danca R.
Watson, William P.
Webb, Barton W.
Webb, Danny
Webb, Don G.
Webb, Jerry
Webb, John D.
Webb, Thomas D.
Wells, Harrison
Wells, Paul F.
Wertenberger, Earl
Wertenberger, Leland
Wertenberger, William
West, Herman R.
Wheeler, Cyrus L.
Wheeler, Elliott
Wheeler, Fox
Wheeler, Harold
Wheeler, Melvin
Wheeler, Zeke
White, Fred C.
Whitehead, Frank W.
Whiteside, James D.
Whiteside, Randy
Whitewell, Herman B.
Whittom, Claudie
Whittom, Noah A.
Whittom, Robert
Wicklund, Michael A.
Wieland, Richard L.
Wilborn, Ralph L.
Williams, Calvin
Williams, Elmer G.
Williams, Herbert
Williams, Leonard
Williams, Let M.
Williams, Robert E.
Wilson, Archie A.
Wilson, Bryce
Wilson, Clifford
Wilson, Donna
Wilson, Jerry R.
Wilson, Ronald
Woodard, Carlton
Woolard, Harvey E.
Woolard, James C.
Wright, Audy R.
Wright, John
Wright, Lester Jr.
Wright, William L.
Wyman, Rodger
York, Claude Clayburn
York, Foy M.
York, Grover L.
York, Inez Naomi
York, J.C.
York, Ralph Leo
Zitnak, Frank
Zitnak, John
Zitnak, Mike
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