The Yin and Yang of It
At the outset of self-isolation -
Not the same as quarantined -
The news blared unanswered questions.
Home alone was best, it seemed.
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It would be safer no doubt
If all remained home;
If fewer were about
The virus couldn't roam.
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Then answers rolled in.
Don't do that, do this instead.
Another source - a different spin.
Confusion reigned inside my head!
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So many experts who don't agree -
All using startling numbers -
Creates a bit of insanity
Battled best with lots of slumber.
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But wide-eyed and bushy-tailed
Created no ease for this brain,
One 'fact' by another derailed
Makes one want to hop a train...
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...To enjoy wide open spaces,
Avoiding the yin and yang of it,
Ingnoring all the talking faces
Doesn't bother me a bit.
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Is it time to ease the rules
To help the economy move?
It may not help our schools.
What will it definitively prove?
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Out too early could damage my health.
Delaying means I'm mentally ill?
I pick covid-free and compromised weatlh
Over virus-clad with a fatter till.
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Either way, each other we'll judge.
It's what we humans do.
If from my stance i don't budge
But you do, you've a right to.
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It's understood we must be cleaner
And use much more compassion.
We'll fatten wallets, make bodies leaner,
Dealing no doubt with depression...
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...Of the GNP and our souls,
But be hopeful and resilient.
We can diminish the toll
And rebuild American spirit.
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PS. The "talking faces" mentioned does NOT refer to
our local officials. I appreciate their consistency and diligence
in working for the welfare of Ripley County.
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