Make It or Lose It
"If I don't make time, I lose time." I heard that yesterday. It hits home, hard. I am not an organized, structured gal though there is a bit of an ironic twist to appearing to have a 'go-with-the-flow' kind of life. If plans HAVE been made, I don't like them to change.
Not sure why that is. As a temper-tantrum-throwing child, I made it quite evident to all around that I was unhappy with the status of events if they changed. So I'm told. I do not remember 'throwing' even one of those tantrums I have been told were a part of the exasperation my parents felt raising me. (Psst. I think it's because I was their first-born). It must have been quite a production to 'throw' a tantrum versus 'having' one.
Words are curious. We 'have' a fit, or 'throw' a tantrum. We can throw a party or have one. I think the thrown ones might be more fun, for some reason. So if you send me an invitation, tell me you are throwing a party. I will make time and come in my party clothes.
A lot is required of us these days. Jobs, chores, bills, errands, meals, LAUNDRY. We have so much to do. But it's the seeming ordinary stuff that helps us appreciate without regret and worry the places and people we MAKE time to enjoy. Having the must-do tasks gives a bit of structure that speeds up the time involved, freeing more time for the fun stuff, when we want time to slow down.
Words do matter. Try telling yourself on a Monday morning that you 'get' to go to work rather than moaning that you 'have' to go to work. There is a slight but immediate attitude switch that can make a big difference in your perception of the day.
The word HAVE is a curiosity all its own. I can 'have' a good time, as in experience it, or I can 'have' a big nose, as in own it, or I can 'have' to perform a task, as in must do it.
Since I want to have a life, and not throw it (away), perhaps I should plan a bit more and use my 'go-with-the-flow skills when life goes off on an unplanned tangent. Doesn't mean give up and throw those fits in my head that only I am well aware I throw, and give up in despair. Might mean...okay. Wonder where this will lead me?
My personally-allotted chunk of time is whittling away. I have to decide if it's a pile of sawdust or something worthy that remains. Temper tantrums are counter-productive and always going with the flow can be a waste of time. I want to live my life as though I am throwing one helluva party. Here is my invitation. Dig out your party clothes.
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